Ask for a proposal from a few banking acquaintances and you will receive the best loan those banks can provide. Ask Shoreline for a proposal from 20 to 30 banks and you will determine the market value of that loan to the banking industry.
Competition drives excellence.
Shoreline has relationships with over 350 commercial banks across the United States and delivers the value of a highly competitive environment to clients. Presenting an opportunity to a lender is not just selling a transaction; it is defining and extolling the value of a long-term client relationship, and in return realizing value for that opportunity.
Whether engaged to procure construction financing, a working capital facility or a permanent loan, Shoreline ensures that each key commercial real estate banker in the area is invited to bid on a client’s business. The outcome of multiple lenders proffering competing term sheets is a loan that is priced and structured to maximize a client’s objectives.
Banking is regulated like no other industry.
It requires experience to negotiate with lenders who operate under internal or regulatory guidelines. Being familiar with the biases, desires and drivers of a bank’s decision-making process allows Shoreline to assess a bank’s capacity or flexibility to deliver a client’s desired structure and pricing. Shoreline’s Managing Director, Paul O’Rear, was a commercial real estate lender with major institutions in the U.S. and internationally for over 30 years, in various roles encompassing loan originations, underwriting, credit approval, compliance and loan sales and syndication. He was also a founding shareholder in multiple community bank start-ups. This experience results in an unparalleled ability to negotiate on behalf of clients with banks of all sizes.
Please give us a call at (707) 953-7475 if you would like to hear more about our loan structures or have a transaction to discuss.